Thursday, February 3, 2011

Around the corner

Funny thing about what might be around the corner--we don't know exactly what it is. We may have some idea or we may be completely surprised. And what actually appears when we round the corner may be very much like, or nothing like, what we imagined.

In just a few hours, Dr. Matthew Hwang will be "drilling" a couple of holes into my knee to get his arthroscope and other tools inside. He has a bit of work to do and over the past couple of months we have talked about what this procedure may be able to do. Repair a torn meniscus, shave some rough cartilage, allow me to sit and work for more than a few minutes at a time without that nagging reminder that I live in a human body--a wonderful, but easily broken machine.

As good as Dr. Hwang may be (and I hear that he is very good), what is around the corner is still uncertain. It has been so long since the last time that I had something like this done that I cannot recall how it felt or how long it took to get back to normal. At least this is just physical and there are a limited number of variables that will come into play to determine what is around the corner.

Relational uncertainties would be much harder. Then there are two or more people involved and each one brings their own variables. Does each one want to invest in the friendship or other relationship? Is the timing right from both sides? Can the hurts--real or imagined--from the past be overcome? Fixing torn hearts is far more complicated than fixing a torn meniscus.

Yet the hope in either situation comes from the reality that there is One who knows what is around the corner. And not only that, but God has made a commitment to walk with His people around whatever corners they need to turn. Whether in the sunny, cheerful light of day or the dark, scary night of uncertainty. God never promised that all would be sweetness and light. But He did promised that His people would never walk alone.

I am hopeful about the next few weeks. I should be able to start biking in a couple of days and light running in 4 to 6 weeks--about when the show and ice go away here in Minnesota. I may be surprised when I turn the corner. but I will never be alone.

Press On!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

There's a reason I didn't see this until today (2/23)... As Robby is about to leave school, turn 18 and leave the house, I needed the reminder that God will always be there - for Robby and for me - no matter what is around the corner. Thanks, Ken.