Saturday, July 17, 2010

Not Fun at All

Today's 12 mile run was not very much fun at all.  It was hot.  My legs felt like lead.  Parts of me were hurting that I had forgotten about.  And I found myself asking, "Why am I doing this?  It doesn't even feel very good.  And I am not happy right now!"

Then I remembered.  The reason that I was doing 12 miserable miles this morning was to be able to run the Twin Cities marathon in October to raise money for hunger relief in Africa through World Vision.  I was doing something that I disliked to day in order to be able to do something that I want to do later.  And without days like today, Twin Cities will not happen for me.

If I had acted on how I felt, I would have turned around at mile 2 and gone home.  But in general, if I acted primarily on how I felt, I would not get much done.  I think that the key is to do the right thing, whether or not I feel like it.  This may sound elementary, but how often do we/I/you violate that simple principle?  And in retrospect, my life has  not been enriched by using my feelings as my guide for life.

I need to base my life and decisions on something greater than what I feel.  For me, that means to base my life on the guidance of my Creator.  It means working toward goals and objectives that are worthy of the investment of my time and effort.  It means not being tossed about by the winds of short-term gratification or doing what I feel like at the moment.  It means being guided by ideals and principles that are bigger than just me and my little world.  Ultimately, it means trusting the Creator rather than trying to take to role of the Creator.

Pressing on!

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