Friday, August 31, 2007

Fresh is Fun!

One of my greatest joys is new socks. I use new socks for celebration, reward, and a general pick-me-up. But this morning I not only had new socks, I also had a new place to run. Bloomington, Illinois is a city on the edge of wide expanses of cornfields--very pretty from what I saw covering 6.5 this morning. I would also get the sense that it is a health-conscious place because I saw more runners and walkers out before 6:00 a.m. than anyplace other than Virginia Beach earlier this summer. When I started it was still dark, then slowly the eastern sky turned purple, then pink, then orange, then blue as th sun made its way over the horizon. I had forgotten what a sunrise looks like when the land is flat and the whole sky lights up. The run was one of those that I wish didn't have to end and a part of that feeling was that a new place to run is an adventure to me.

Not every day can be a new place to run and a new adventure. But it does spice things up a bit. Any spiritual parallels? If some spiritual practice is getting dull, then perhaps I should find a way to put some new socks on it. I'm not sure what the answer is, but it is worth a try.

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