Friday, August 3, 2007

Joy in the Ordinary

This morning's run was ordinary. Not a new route. Not a faster time. Not a greater distance. Just ordinary. And it was delightful. For one who thrives on change and adventure and new horizons and conquering the next hill, appreciating the ordinary does not come naturally. Granted, if every day was the same, ordinary would get old in a hurry. But I can learn to take pleasure in the ordinary, as well as in the cutting edge. It is a definite growth area.

I wonder how many people have a hard time with the ordinary with God? Perhaps an early faith experience was dramatic and a person has experienced what has felt like tremendous growth and vitality. The Bible seems to have life-altering truths that leap off of the page. What do those people do in the ordinary seasons of life when God seems more like a good friend who lives in a distant city--still important and connected, but not a new shared adventure every day. Now some may say that our walk with God should not be ordinary--that it can be a new adventure every day. I say, good for you, but that has not been my experience. One of my greatest challenges in this area is maintaining the vitality of a relationship that often feels like that really good friend who lives on the other coast.

What makes it easier for me to embrace the ordinary run is that I know that a 15-miler is coming tomorrow. I wonder if there is a spiritual analog?

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