Monday, July 30, 2007

Halfway -- Where Has the Time Gone?

This week launches the second half of my 18-week training program. Seems like the first half has gone so quickly. At some level it has--the distances were much shorter. Seven of the next eight weekends carry runs of 12 miles or greater--one up to 20 miles. The first "half" of the program was definitely shorter. I am pleased with the progress so far. I have never made it this far before without some kind of injury. (My worst injury to date was not even running related--a little road rash from a biking fall.) One of the challenging parts of the second half will be the time factor--it simply takes more time to run longer runs. But I knew that from the beginning.

During this morning's 5.7 I began thinking about what may come after the marathon is over (other than walking slowly for a day or so). Will I need another BIG goal to keep me motivated, or will the running itself be sufficient. I know I will be running a half marathon in December with my brother (who is making fantastic progress in his training!), but what after that? I would like to be motivated by the running experience itself rather than by some "next event."

What keeps someone coming back to the Bible or to church day after day, week after week? Is it the rush of good feelings, or being around people who are excited about spiritual things? Or is it just being with God? Again, I wish that I were one of those people for whom it was always just to be with my God, but honestly it is as often about other people and their expectations as it is about God Himself. Not sure what the answer is, but I wonder if part of the answer may simply be in asking the question.

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