Friday, July 13, 2007

The Night Before

This morning's run felt sluggish and I did not wake up ready to jump out of bed and hit the road. That is different from most mornings where I have found myself eager to get started. I think that I figured out why. During the past few weeks of training I have been more attentive to maintaining good eating habits (as well as good running habits). But yesterday was an exception. I did not eat well--too much and the wrong foods. This morning I paid the price.

Someone once said that the key to a good experience at church on Sunday morning begins on Saturday night. A good night's rest, setting out clothes ahead of time, and making Sunday morning as stress free as possible. I wonder how many other things in life are like this--the success/value of the activity is determined, to a significant degree, by what happens the day before. So much of life is interrealted without us even realizing the dependencies. Today I will endeavor to be conscious of the reality that what I do today may influence tomorrow.

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